Home Extragalactic Beings on 11/03/2008




on 11/03/2008


Our connections aim to open the human hearts and wake their intelligence for a New Era. The Era which intelligence and reason will be distinguished over ignorance and fanaticism.


In the whole Universe, they are realizing multiple contacts in which the civilizations that reached to a bigger degree, in an infinite evolutive scale, and conquered, for their merits, superior plans of evolution, feel obliged to transmit them the necessary knowledge so that, through their efforts, they may leave from so small plans.


The more one grows, in the infinite plans of the Universe, the more one learns a deep ethic of honesty, emotional control and sharing with their next the necessary knowledge for an inner transformation, mainly, by the beneficial results from a structured life on the principle of universal love.


No Being has no right of imposing to another his will and determines his way. To no Being, this right of being a model was or will be given. The Great Creator gave to all intelligent beings the ability to find, by their own, the best way to follow.


For this reason, it is not worth the Parents make their children follow the way they think it is better. They will follow the way they think it is better, because in each way there will always be own experiences that the relativity of the things judges, good or bad. There is neither way of just good things, nor only bad things.


This great effort that now is present, aims to wake in the human heart this huge capacity of being able to choose his way himself, giving him conditions to use his rationality, because no Being of the Universe is free from the law of cause and effect and from the law of the merit. By using the rationality of intelligence, better results will be obtained in the experiences that the Being will pass in any place of the Universe where, momentarily, he is living.


The Universe, it has already been said, expands itself in a geometrical scale, and, the relation between time and space is infinite. In the galaxy where we live, from where we send this message, the distance is very big; the level of intelligence is so different that the human beings, in comparison to the level of intelligence, would be at the scale one, proportionally in the scale of the infinity. Comparatively they would be in the same level of amoeba intelligence. This I tell you, not in order to reduce the greatness the Great Creator gave you, endowed with intelligence and reason, but in order to make you realize how much you all have to change and grow. If we compare my galaxy to more evoluted civilizations, I will tell you that our intelligence would also be in the same level of amoebae. That, in order to have an idea how infinite the Universe is. Infinite is the possibilities, by own behavior, to grow and develop yourself.


Not by imposition, but by practical order, a lot have been said about the feelings, attitudes and words considered good, according to relativity of the things, are the fastest way of growing through this long path. All of us have a long way.


The Being that preceded me, in his message, said that he was a million light-years far from this Planet; so, I tell you that my galaxy is a million light-years from his galaxy and our ability to create life, spirits and bodies, transmute and transport to any part of the Universe is zillion times bigger than where he lives. However, our degree of love, tolerance and justice still need to grow. In the study of the components of the Universe how much mystery we still have to solve.


The Being also, very properly, told you not to waste your time with prayers, saints or guides, because the Creator gave you ability to search and conquer your ways yourselves.


The incredulity is always proportional to the degree of evolution, the suspicion, at the same time in which it is a shield; it is also a restraint in the evolutive process. The intelligence should work, at least, with two hypotheses. There will not be the rational use of intelligence if, because of any fact, we work with only a hypothesis. We judge that a fact is false, and simply we keep away from it, but, the fact can be true and we will lose the opportunity for absorbing many teachings.


To this small Planet are sent Beings endowed with a great intelligence and wisdom, but their teachings, by the example, have not been able to open minds and to be support for freedom.


The biggest Universal principle, above love, is freedom. The freedom is the great vector, since by freedom the Being practices the existence of his creation. The Creator enabled them the great search, through the principle of freedom. Because of this, nobody has any right to impose on others, ways doctrines or truths. The Creator has already given you the great vector for any type of search: the freedom. Be free and you will find your truth and way. Do not become attached, do not stagnate for feelings. Therefore it is difficult not to feel hatred or rage, because it is rather tough to live just with love. Love is the best way to the balance between people and nations, but the existence of love does not justify the inexistence of hatred. Love and hatred are relative and will always have a consequence. They will only leave from primitively if you are free, controlling the feelings called negative ones, but, by understanding they exist, not blaming yourselves for feeling them.


The inhabitants from my galaxy cannot enter into the energetic field of this Planet, so devastated by small feelings, where the strength of what you call evil causes destruction and sufferings. All this strength creates a very strong energetic field, where we cannot penetrate and it turns this lovely Planet into a world of expiation and suffering.


How many other celestial bodies, inhabited by beings, dominated the negative feelings and turned their worlds into fields of light. The Universe is very beautiful.


All of us have to help this Planet to get rid of this cloud of small feelings that brings such a suffering.


The Universe will always expand itself.  In this expansion celestial bodies and galaxies are created and the level of intelligence expands. The celestial body created will also have its day for expansion and will be turned into other celestial bodies. This lovely Planet does not have much time; the science is already aware, therefore this great movement in order to help those who live here to improve and become friendlier one to another. To dominate the envy, the jealousy, the rage and the bitterness to, when called to the spiritual world, reach better plans.


You all are able, do not wait, do not be asking, you all are able. The law of the merit and cause and effect are principles applied in the whole Universe, the Creator gave you this ability; rationalize thoughts, attitudes and words.





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