São Tomás de Aquino


on 02/02/2009


When you call this humble serf shaping me in the quality of an Avatar, I beg the Divine Creator that I can keep my spirit possesses the necessary humbleness and that my heart opens for the sacred

principals of compassion. I feel so small, but, with an enormous responsibility because an Avatar is a driver of souls, mainly, for his example. I am not able to be called “Avatar ". Avatar is Saint Francisco of Assis, or Master Jesus; Avatar is Saint German, Master Buddha, Sir Krishna. All of them are examples of a life devoted to the next one and a life devoted to the study and wisdom. Avatar is Virgin Maria, with her immense heart and immense kindness, Avatars are the great Beings, mainly, the Orientals who dedicated themselves and still  dedicate to the studies of the human behavior, the action of the spirit on the body and the consequent influence of the body on the spirit. Avatar is Sir Krishnamurti, it is Master Yogananda. I do not consider myself deserving of being called Avatar. I know that my way is still long, since I have to learn a lot and devote myself besides changing.


There has been spoken a lot, in these messages, about the existence of the influence of the mystery. When embodied I felt the power of the mystery that involved all our Church: the Vatican, the Bishops, the Popes the Encyclicals and all that Literature. The more one studies, the more one is involved in this mystery. Today, I continue my studies, involved in the mysteries. The mystery is the great motivation, and it is through the binomial mystery-research that one goes through the infinite scale of evolution. Mysterious is the relation of the mind with the body and the spirit with the mind, however, just by studying and researching that will be allowed to enter into the field of the mystery.


The mankind has been learning a lot about the body and the mind, but it is still involved in many mysteries, it does not have access to a lot of information because it will just be able to reach bigger knowledge, when there is an internal revolution and a valuable change. When one acquires written knowledge, the man learns new concepts but, refuses or resists an internal change. One refuses to analyze his attitudes and to look for the way of peace, getting away from the wars and treating with wisdom the differences.


There has been said a lot here that the differences make us growing, not only on the terrestrial plan but in all plans of the Universe. In this infinite Universe there are not equal Beings, even the most developed one who live for the Whole and not for the sole has his individuality. This difference was the biggest among all the characteristics that was given us by the Creator, because, only by the difference the Being will be able to perfect and improve. Only by the difference will be able to have an existence of comparison: if everybody were the same there would not be condition of growth, because necessities, attitudes and values could not be compared.


However, the human being turns this difference into a point of quarrel being involved in such small feelings, such as rage, hatred and envy. The differences were created so as to offer opportunity of growth for all. Do not see the opponents to your thoughts, ideas and attitudes as enemy or inferior, for not thinking or acting in the same way, see them as examples that will be able to serve for an internal, either fixing or ratifying behaviors because no Being is stagnated. The evolution is a basic condition of the intelligent being, as it has already been said.


The differences allow us a deep analysis of the relation between cause and effect. Certainly we will not be able to live just to please, but, we should avoid a life taken just for displeasure. The analysis of the human behavior cannot be seen only by the side of whom that does; it should be also observed who receives. Our Reaction shows much more about our behavior and evolution than our Attitude. The point as important as the Action, is our Reaction, mainly, what displeases us. Reacting with easiness, tolerance and understanding lifts us up and gives us wisdom. Reacting with indifference, violence and intolerance put us in a level; perhaps, inferior to the gesture of whom that hurt us. Understand that it is not only to act wrongly; more serious is to react badly. When you are dominating your feelings at the time of Reacting you will be reaching wider steps, the balance that all of us desire while Acting.


Like Saint Francisco said and acted: to forgive the one who offends you, who that is not always with the intention of hurting us, being tolerant in Hearing and prudent in Answering. The mankind will improve very much when the man reacts wisely. I repeat: it is not just the Action we should improve, but, mainly, the Reaction we had better improve. How great it is for the soul, how great it is good for all, and a peace-loving reaction. Master Jesus said: when one slaps a face, offers the other side. It is the reaction of forgiving, the reaction without bitterness. The hatred will be beat just by the Love.


This is the principal idea that I wanted to leave: the growth by the control of reactions. Who that is able to control his reactions will enter quicker in the way of the spiritual progress than who controls only his actions, because the reaction does not include only good attitudes, but, mainly, the attitudes considered bad. I did a big study about the human behavior and I continue this study, and, through the Universe I could prove these ideas. “In the most evolved worlds not only the Action is controlled, the Reaction is controlled, mainly.”


Christ was crossed, they acted brutally against him, and his reaction was: " Forgive father, they do not know what they do ". Christ forgave his hangmen and this reaction was, historically, much deeper than the cruelty of whom that crossed him.


It has been spoken a lot here about the basic principal of changing. Nobody can be convicted of being eternally in a situation that even for the Being is unpleasant. The change is a principal of the intelligent Being. Train, the Oriental ones train very much. Train, control your reactions. Always react with the heart opened, with kindness and tolerance.


At the beginning I told you that I do not consider myself worthy of being called Avatar, because my way is still very long, but, I do not reject the responsibility of dedicating my existence to help and contribute to the growth of ours, because the Creator gave us this big responsibility: to grow for own effort and help all beings, mainly, to whom with their hearts opened and turned to the long way through which each one will go, of light or of thorns, but one will always bring back experiences. There will always be an opportunity, it is important that we do not lose this opportunity.


The Creator always protects and illuminates you all.


Be nice in your attitudes e improve more and more your reactions.




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