Home Master Jesus Christ on 12/07/2009


A um Passo da Luz


on 12/07/2009


I greet all of those whom, for all this time, has propagated my words even suffering persecution, driving, bringing hope and lighting the faith’s flame.


My relation with the Earth started with the coming of the great Missionary to whom the Creator handed the Ten Commandments on the stone tablets. My mission was to propagate the benefits of a life based on the wise teachings received by Moses. It began a revolutionary period: the man, recently freed from the caves, got themselves in front of the first teachings for a life governed by harmony and for a social living based on the elevated principles.


After long time, so many studies and literature, currently, the Master does not speak through interlocutors anymore. It is the time when the Master reveals information, submitting it now, to a more improvable intelligence. The human being left his primitive condition, but it is still devastated by small feelings. While the love is not the large connection in all relations among the peoples, while the wars substitute the courts, while you do not look each other as brothers, not tolerating the differences and considering yourselves superior or inferior; while you can not control the animal instincts and the selfishness is not substituted for fraternal love, this planet will be the planet of suffering. Master Krishna has already told you the suffering is the consequence, not the cause. The body performs as a pattern, since it was prepared to be a purifier of the embodied spirit . The disease of the body is the disease of the spirit.


Here, all the illuminated Beings have also said, in an endless warning that any Being from the Universe will only progress if he tries. The experience is the only way to achieve the learning, and the change is a constant factor in the eternal evolution. I am not the same from when I embodied here. The experiences, the research, the studies and the wish, contributed to my change. Even the most developed beings only grow inside the principle of change. Changing is a natural consequence, nobody will leave from an experience, good or bad, as one started. But, if there is perception and good will, the Being will be able to change by training to become better, more tolerant, more understanding, more generous, humbler, more charitable and friendlier. These conducts will bring peace for your spirit.


I told you: I give you my peace. Many explanations, natural ones for the level of intelligence existent here, understand this declaration as a simple donation. However, at that time, the complement of these words was not said, therefore in a previous message, I told you I said many things, and, many others were not said. I repeat, I do not come to change the history, the history is consolidated. I give you my peace; the peace I feel is the consequence of a conduct which I try to follow. And this same peace you will feel. The Universe is governed by the law of merit. It is not worth it you think you will have what you do not deserve, since all beings get what they deserve.


The Earth is in serious danger: the global warming and the misalignment of the axis of the Earth. This planet will not be the habitation for whom that still needs to embody in heavy bodies. All of you are here temporarily and, under the law of merit, you will be attracted to the corresponding worlds of your thoughts, attitudes and words.


Make a brief comparison between the doctrines currently existent. Any doctrine prescribes the balance and harmony through the fraternal relationship and the practice of Love.


My beloved Mother, who suffered so much because she saw her Son crossed, with her merciful heart, drives a Hospital in which has been doing a lot of charity, an invisible work of dedicated doctors. My beloved Mother, so beloved, mainly, by women, irradiates a marvelous Light from her kindly heart, with those doctors, for the relief of your sufferings. But, even this spirit of great Light, may really help who suffers, according to the law of merit. No Being, for more developed he is, will be able to help, even if he wants, contradicting the merit principles. For this reason, it was said many times that you have been begging, praying but, the principal action is the internal transformation. Open your heart and turn yourself into a kindly agent. Everything I taught, what Moses handed and propagated was destined to an internal transformation, a change of thoughts, attitudes and words.


The body has its own principles: it needs to be fed by taking from the nature their components that wear themselves out; it needs to procreate serving to a Being that was created pure, and, this Being, has the obligation to take care of him and control his impulses to get a more harmonious life.


This is the message for this month, when the Christian mankind celebrates the Messiah’s birth, I leave for you: Change your lives, conquer your glories. Do not beg, do not wait. The Planet is in serious danger. Turning yourselves into better beings, certainly you will be called to live in better plans.


I wish the Creator always protects you all.




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