Home Extragalactic Beings on 11/08/2010




on 11/08/2010


It is so big the distance that separates us. This small planet welcomes beings from other plans that come here in order to rescue their debts, undergoing physical and moral suffering, essential to their phase of evolution.


I convey this message to you all from an unimaginable distance. One of the characteristics of the most developed worlds is the capacity that the Creator offers us to convey these messages. It would be less valuable to reveal you some aspects of the plan in which we live, as your minds still have no conditions to absorb such information. However, everyone, all the beings who live in the infinite Universe, has and will have the chance to grow according to their merits. The Universe is constantly changeable. I have already undergone many phases besides having lived in many others. However, I have never been here. At present, I dedicated myself to help those, whose heart, accept some words.


The Creator grants you all, through own effort and constant evolution, the ability of becoming, also, Creators. In my world we are able to create bodies and souls. In addition, we are able to create everything that is an object of our thought. These bodies and souls will always have the freedom which is given to all of us by the Biggest Creator. This relation, Creator / creature, grows geometrically.


It has already been said to you that, inside the same family, it is possible to be present beings from different Creators, from different origins. It is the great opportunity to, through the difference, enroll themselves in the great School. The difference of ideas and behaviors makes us to grow. Everybody has common characteristics: all of us dream, communicate, convey ideas and learn. We have similar feelings because we are from The Biggest of the Creators.


Nobody, absolutely nobody will be able to beg themselves off by the example, since the right of choice and freedom are the biggest gifts granted by the Creator to all the beings of the Universe.


You came to this small planet in order to occupy it, for a specific period of time, a body compound by the same chemical elements that are found in this planet. You came to try on the suffering and the pain with guides of learning, however, you will never be alone: your Creator will always give you the necessary strength and the needed protection so that the suffering takes a new definition as a result, and the experiences allow the moral improvement, which is the real objective. In addition, this moral improvement is risen by qualities which in here, was given the name of justice, kindness honesty.


The Being was created with the ability of becoming a Creator; therefore it does not need to mirror himself to guides or leaders. The Creator gave you the ability to, through own effort, jump over the infinite scale of evolution. Even transmitting this message from an unimaginable distance to all there, we still have so much to learn as well as to develop.


The Universe is full of intelligence; even the least of the atomic mutation is controlled. This harmony results from the effort of the Architects, Masters, Mathematicians and from so many others that make a very big effort so that this great balance is maintained, even if for that, it is needed the extinction and the creation of the matter.


Our planet when it is seen from the Universe is just like a grain of the sand from the sea and, in this grain of sand, are developed activities of the beings that were attracted to here in order to undergo experiences that the planet allows to them. Without demerit, it has already been said to you that the level of intelligence of the Being who lives on Earth, in comparison to other worlds in this lovely Universe, is in a very low plan. For this reason, the Masters who came here and, still here, bringing you good news, had and still have difficulties to be understood. Why so much vanity? Why so much cruelty? They brought the good news from a society in harmony, where could be possible to fruit the feelings of union, agreement and progress. Why so much opulence? Why do some people have a lot and others have nothing? If, even the body, is temporary. Why to fix yourself to material stuff?


It has been repeated many times that the change is the biggest of all the necessary factors for a constant growth. Everything, in the Universe, changes. The more developed the Being is, the more he knows that in order to improve and learn he has to change. Change attitudes in front of life, in front of his own besides, in front of his next one. Change the thoughts, cultivating the ones who bring peace and harmony. Change the words, avoiding disagreement and slander.


Open your hearts for what is called kindness. Love your Creators. Trust and ask, because they will always be by your side.





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