Home Saint Anthony on 06/14/2010




on 06/14/2010


What always guided and will always guide me is the power of love. The power of love of Jesus Christ, a prisoner, tortured and dead on the Cross and the power of love of Virgin Mary, a feeling of love

so strong that eased the pain of seeing her beloved Son crossed due to His wishes for a more just world besides His will of giving dignity to the poor and pursued people. What guides me, in my humble mission; these are examples of unconditional love.


I thank the Creator for having allowed me to join the thousands of spirits available to help those who embody here in order to cure themselves from the horrible wounds which their spirits carry due to the selfish behavior besides the huge sufferings imposed to their next by cruelty. We are thankful to the Creator for the opportunity that we have to transmit to the body these wounds from the spirit. Because my beloved children, the wounds of the spirit bring pains much more intense than any wound of the body. If the mankind could remember the suffering that the wounds of the spirit may cause to them, many of you would thank to go through the pain of the worst wounds of the body. The suffering, Children, is a huge opportunity offered by the Creator. We thank Him very much for participating in this process that will turn into the relief from this suffering. The resigned suffering, always assisted by our phalanxes, will have a great value on cleaning these wounds. The ignorance and the selfishness perhaps are the principal causes of somebody else's suffering. If one does bad things to a brother, will cause himself the evil, too.  It is the law of return. The suffering is the beginning of the release; it means that a behavior turned to the good, a behavior that does not bring suffering to the next one, will never add on suffering to oneself.


The planet will undergo new types of diseases, but those who keep their hearts attentive, awake for the need of a change and maintain their hearts lively, those who sacrifice themselves by their next, these, will maintain their spirits free from the wounds and faults. I tell you all, happy is the one who undergoes probation, who has the painful body shaken by a disease, because huge will be the benefit to his spirit.


The mankind does not answer any longer to the appeals. The figure of the father and the mother does not follow the mental evolution of their children that urge examples. The children do not accept to be driven anymore by those who do not fulfill what they say. The families are suffering disharmony because the children do not accept anymore when their parents tell them to do the rights things while they do the wrong ones. This is the huge change in the current relation between Parents and Children. Look yourselves at the examples, at the family and work. In all relationship what will prevail, in the future, will be the example. This is a basic principle in all societies, in the whole Universe the relations are based on the example. The example is the mirror of the soul. If you want to have a child, be a good father; if you want to be a good employee, be a good boss.


The differences among the human beings are very small, the Creator made them with the same ability of understanding and learning. The difference is in the opportunity and in the interest. In the spiritual world the behavior of a poor beggar will have more value than the behavior of a selfish rich man, even under all his culture.


This is the new generation; it will be only gotten the progress and the balance through the example. The example impregnates, how many change by the example of the other, change spontaneously, and change naturally. The examples of the peace-loving ones besides the fair ones stained the history. All of you are similar; you all will be driven to an only destiny. The destiny of all is the House of the Father.


This humble Serf of the Lord thanks the opportunity to, tightly together to the phalanxes, help the mankind to become friendlier and happier.


I do wish that Virgin Mary always protects you all. Amen.




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